Italian Residence Permit

Buy Italian Residence Permit

At Docs Made Fast, We can provide to you all types of Italian residence cards.

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Italian Residence Permit


Italian Residence Permit

Buy Italian Residence Permit including Permanent Residence Card (Carta di Soggiornor) replace by EC (European commission) long term permit:

Secondly, depending on your activity in Italy, you determine the type of residence that is suitable for you.

Furthermore, you will have to fill in our buy residence permit application form correctly.

Then, you will have to stay in touch during the short production process which might extend up to a week.

Your Italian residence card gets delivered to the postal address you fill on your buy residence permit application form.

To read more about Italian residence permits, you can click HERE.

Description and Type of Temporary Permits

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, residence permits are issued by the police (questura) (Italy 18 Nov. 2011).

The website of the Italian state police describes a resident permit as

a magnetic card similar to a credit card which contains a microchip and a machine-readable magnetic stripe in which the card holder’s personal details, photograph and fingerprints are stored in digital format. (ibid. 29 Mar. 2010a)

Buy Italian Residence Permit
Buy Italian Residence Permit

The following types of residence permits have been identified by Canadian and Italian government sources:

Seasonal work (Canada 9 Mar. 2012; Italy n.d.a);
Self-employment (ibid.; Canada 9 Mar. 2012);
Study (ibid.; Italy n.d.a);
Work (ibid.), sponsored by an employer (Canada 9 Mar. 2012);
Family reunification (ibid.; Italy n.d.a);
Medical treatment (ibid. n.d.b; Canada 9 Mar. 2012);
Refugee status (ibid.; Italy n.d.a; ibid. n.d.b);
Humanitarian protection (ibid.; Canada 9 Mar. 2012); and
Elective residence (ibid.; Italy n.d.a)

Obtaining a Residence Permit

According to the website of the Italian state police, in order to obtain a residence permit, a non-EU national must provide the following documents:

A completed application form;

The original plus a copy of his or her valid passport or an equivalent travel document “bearing an entry visa, if required;”
Four passport-size photographs; and
An electronic revenue stamp in the amount of 14.62 euros [C$19 (XE 20 Mar. 2012)] (Italy 12 June 2008).
The applicant may also be required to provide additional information or documents as evidence in support of the specific permit application (ibid.).

According to the website, applications for some type of permits, such as refugee status, medical treatment and humanitarian reasons (Italy n.d.b), must be submitted to the “central police station set up in every Italian province” (ibid. 29 Mar. 2010a).

However, some other types of residence permits, such as renewal of refugee status, employment, family reunification and study (ibid. n.d.a), can be applied for at the following locations:

Applicable municipalities (comuni) that process residence applications;
“‘Patronati’” offices, which provide advice and social assistance to workers;
Immigration Desk (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione) at the Prefecture (Prefettura) in every Italian province; and
Post office [uffici postali], from where applicants can pick up a resident permit kit with the application form (ibid. 29 Mar. 2010a)

Permanent Residence Permit

In addition to the various types of temporary residence permits, Italian government sources identified the European Commission (EC) residence permit for long-term residents (Italy n.d.a; ibid. n.d.b), which was formerly known as the carta di soggiorno (permanent residence card) (ibid. n.d.a; ibid. 29 Mar. 2010b).

Like the “carta di soggiorno” it replaced, the EC residence permit is a permanent residence permit (ibid.).

It entitles those who have one to government social welfare, health care and employment benefits (ibid.).

To read more on global documents registered fake resident permits, click HERE.


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